New Brush Cleaning Technique
Oh how I despise cleaning my makeup brushes! It takes too

long and makes my hands get all wrinkly from keeping them under the running water. But, this product makes the process go by so much quicker and my brushes so much cleaner!
Dr. Bronner's Pure-Castile Bar Soap is only $7 on Amazon and works like a charm! I first heard of this product from LustreLux on YouTube. She uses the liquid version of this bar to clean her brushes and swears by it. So, when I found the bar version I knew I needed to try it! And, the bar is much less expensive than the liquid so if you want to try this product I suggest trying the bar first!
All I do is wet my brush and swirl it on the bar of soap then watch the makeup wash away. It really is so simple and it takes maybe a minute per brush to get completely clean. It really is an amazing product and for 7 bucks at the grocery store you really can't go wrong!
I would absolutely recommend this product to anyone looking to really clean those brushes. Not only do my brushes look cleaner but they feel softer and apply product better! I will absolutely be repurchasing this soap and using it for the foreseeable future!