Guest Post: Beginners Guide to Fat Acceptance
The body positive community changed my life. Learning to love my body without trying to change it has been revolutionary & I want others to join the revolt. Self love is a process; you have to unlearn so many toxic messages whilst also completely changing how you view yourself. I wanted to share what I’ve learned along the way.

First of all submerge yourself in the body positive world. Read blogs, follow fat people you admire on social media & explore fat culture. Do not underestimate the power of representation. When you start regularly seeing people with a body like yours portrayed in a positive light your feelings about those bodies begin to change. In my experience it is much easier to recognize how cool or beautiful other people are than it is to see yourself that way. However, when you surround yourself with the images & words of fat people that you highly esteem it becomes clear that being fat in no way prevents a person from being fabulous. Once you have had that awakening it is only short leap to discovering that your fat body need not be loathed either.

Research plus size brands. The plus size market is growing & there is more choice than was previously on offer. Unfortunately much remains to be done with regards to larger plus size, but there are still some good offerings. Clothes can be such an excellent expression of one’s personality. They can also just be fun. Finding items that make you feel attractive & comfortable can make a huge impact on negative self talk. There are plus brands for all budgets & styles. A little clever shopping can help you to present yourself in a way that makes you feel wonderful.
Whilst we're talking fashion; sod the rules. Society is dying to tell fat people what we cannot do. Clothing is a favorite area for fat censorship. Horizontal stripes makes you appear wider, black tights slim legs, don’t wear skirts cut to the widest part of your legs, hide your rolls etc etc etc ignore all of it. Wear whatever pleases you. Forget flattering. Dismiss slimming. Screw being confined by other people’s judgement if your body. Experiment with & enjoy fashion. Find your style & rock it.Whilst we’re taking fashion; sod the rules. Society is dying to tell fat people what we cannot do. Clothing is a
Ditch anything that makes you feel bad about your body. Don’t buy magazines full of diets & skinny models. Don’t watch shows that mock fat bodies. Unfollow celebs who try to sell you waist trainers & appetite suppressants. You don’t need that rubbish in your life. Just because the mainstream subscribes to traditional beauty standards doesn’t mean you have to. There is a whole world of culture out there, go find things that enhance your life. * On the topic of cutting things out, resign from diet talk. You are not obligated to take part in diet culture. You don’t need to pretend that the most important thing in life is losing weight. Politely, but firmly tell your circle that you don’t want to change your body & you won’t be participating in society’s obsession with reduction. Language is powerful. The insidious conversations surrounding food can be toxic. Certain foods are not bad. You don’t need to earn a treat or punish yourself for indulging in delicious things. You are allowed to opt out.

Your life is not limited because you are fat. It will not suddenly become better once you are thin. Fat bodies are just as capable of conquering the world as their slimmer counter parts. You can & will be loved. You can look sexy & beautiful & sophisticated. Size has no bearing on your wit or intelligence. There will always be people who want to stop you achieving your goals because they do not approve of your fat body, don’t let yourself be one them. Start working towards your dreams today. Fat people succeed. Fat people are happy. You can be too. ** Trust me, you will not regret exploring the fat positive world. There are life affirming messages to be found for all. To get you started here are a few of my favourite fat influencers : Becky Barnes Meghan Tonjes Sarah is Smiley Grace Victory Linda Bacon Lindy West You can also check out my musings on life & fashion as a plus size woman here. Or follow my antics on Twitter & Instagram. *Ad by NEDIC ** Photo credit : Mark Aitcheson.