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25 Days of Makeup: December 10, 11 & 12

*all products listed are linked! just click on the product to shop!*

December 10, 2016

Primer: MAC Fix+

Foundation: Clinique Beyond Perfecting (Breeze)

Bronzer: Benefit Hoola

Eyelids: none

December 11, 2016

I decided to let my skin breathe (so, no makeup) but I did use lots of skincare products! Here is what I used:

Face Mask: LUSH Magnaminty

Cleaning Oil: Philosophy

Spot Treatment: Prescription

*I am pretty sure this product is breaking me out so I will no longer be using it.

December 12, 2016

Primer: Hourglass Mineral Veil & MAC Fix+

Foundation: Clinique Beyond Perfecting (Breeze)

Bronzer: Benefit Hoola

Highlight: Tarte Exposed

Eyelids: none

Eyeliner: none

Lips: Burt's Bees Tinted Lip Balm (Sweet Violet)

Setting Spray: MAC Fix+

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