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My New Favorite Way to Remove Makeup

This product may seem familiar to you. Some may be thinking, "hey, my grandma uses that!" Well, mine does too! But, I didn't hear about the secret powers that this baby holds until I read a Buzzfeed article.

In the article, there is a little blurb from a 61 year old woman who brags about the number of compliments she gets on her skin. I thought that was pretty amazing so I decided to look some more online and see what I could find about this simple product.

Upon my investigating, I learned that you can actually use the cold cream as a makeup remover! I had been hearing rumors that using traditional makeup removing wipes is actually not good for your skin (the jury is still out on that one) so I thought I would give this a try in place of my wipes.

Just as a reference, POND's (this cream cleanser specifically) claims that their product, " actually 50% moisturizer. It deep cleans and removes dirt and makeup, even stubborn waterproof mascara, while infusing your skin with vital moisture - all in one easy routine."

After using this product just a handful of times, I am already in love! My face feels so smoother and softer after using just a dab of this to remove my makeup after a long day. I wouldn't say that it takes off everything, but it takes off most! All I did was take roughly a pea-seized amount onto my finger and rubbed the product all over my dry (makeup-covered) face. After I removed as much as possible, I washed off the cleanser and continued my skincare routine per usual.

I purchased my cold cream at Publix for less than $10 and would highly recommend it to anyone looking for achieving softer, more hydrated skin while simultaneously removing any makeup. For such a great price, it's definitely worth the try!

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