Indian Healing Clay Mask

Where do I even begin when talking about this product?! Well, I have heard about this Indian Healing Clay Mask for years but had never tried it myself. I don't know what was stopping me from buying it-- maybe the crazy high price at every store I found it at? I'm honestly not sure. But, I managed to find it for less than five dollars on Thrive Market's website so I purchased it immediately!
As you can tell (click images to enlarge), my skin was acting up quite a bit. You can see lots of redness, pimples and texture all over my face. You can't tell very well in these photos but my pores were quite large as well and my face slightly puffy from feeling a little under the weather.
So, I went ahead and mixed about one teaspoon of mask (it is in powder form) and
​​two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and applied the mixture onto my dry face. Once the mask was on, my skin began to feel tight, a slight tingling sensation began and my face felt slightly itchy. However, the directions say that this is totally normal and to be expected. So, I waited about 15 minutes (five more minutes than suggested) and washed off the mask.
When I first took off the mask my thoughts were, holy crap my face looks sunburnt! But, again, the container said that is completely normal and to be expected. In fact, it said that the redness would start to subside after about 30 minutes post-mask. You can see that the redness was really intense on areas of my chin and temples. I think this just means that the mask was working extra hard in those areas and that they were probably more congested than other parts of my face.
Now, I'm an old lady and go to bed early so I didn't stay up to see if my face did, in fact, get less red 30 minutes later but, the results in the morning were pretty awesome! My skin felt softer, tighter and looked clearer. The mask brought so many blemishes to the surface which means they're going to heal and disappear faster. And, I noticed my skin feeling much less oily than it had been all week. Although the results aren't drastic, they are pretty fantastic for a five dollar product.
I am so happy I bought this mask! For only five bucks I got a pound of face mask-- and it works wonders! I would definitely recommend this to anyone looking for a super deep cleaning of your pores. This product is much too harsh for every day use but I am positive that this will be added into my weekly regimen!
Here are some side-by-side before and after pictures to show you just how much of a difference this one-time use made for my skin.
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