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Current Favorite {Beauty} Channels

Not only do I create beauty videos but I watch them constantly! I've learned a lot from these beauty gurus over the years and wanted to share them with you! Now, I am subscribed to too many channels to list them all so here are my top five (in no particular order):

One reason why I love watching Alex is because of how sweet she is! She also has a vlog channel with her husband and they're so down to earth. Her makeup looks are great for everyone to follow. And, her fashion videos are to die for! If you haven't seen her video where she reveals her favorite leggings and jeans, get on it! ;)

Nicole is the first YouTuber I ever watched so she will always be one of my favorites! Her makeup looks, especially around Halloween, are incredible! She recently started daily vlogging and I am obsessed! She seems so cool and genuine so I am happy to support her. Oh, and she collaborated with Anastasia Beverly Hills to create a glow kit and it is out of this world!

Not only is Casey gorgeous but she's hilarious and true to herself. She does a whole range of looks from natural to glam and each one is always stunning! She's a major dog lover like I am and her fiancé serves in the military-- what's not to love?!

This adorable woman seems like the sweetest person ever! She's hilarious, great at makeup and always concerned about how her subscribers are feeling. She's also very real and honest with her subscribers. There was a little while there when she was going through some intense allergic reaction and had pimple-like bumps all over her body. But, she stayed in front of the camera and talked about it and tried to use her experience to help others. She has three sweet puppies and her husband is in the military.

Not only is Jamie stunning but her makeup skills are ridiculously good! She always has sort of that grungy-glam vibe in her makeup and I love it! She's from Scotland and has the best accent ever! Her Snapchats are also super funny so if you don't follow her there you definitely should (jamie_genevieve)!

So, there you have it, folks! Those are my top five favorite beauty YouTubers at the moment. All of their channels are linked in their name so just click and it'll take you right there!

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