Aveeno Clear Complexion Foaming Cleanser
I started using this Aveeno Face Cleanser again recently and I have truly

seen the biggest difference in my skin. First, let me back up and say that I originally bought this about six months to a year ago (don't worry, the expiration date isn't for a little while still) based on Aspyn Ovard's recommendation. She has the prettiest skin and when she said that's what she uses I bolted immediately to Target.
The first time I tried this I got really broken out and my face ended up pretty dry. Looking back, I think it was the medication that I was on that caused my skin to break out and dry up but, at the time, this was easier to blame.
However, I rediscovered this as I was moving and thought I'd give it another shot. So, I've been using this for about two and a half weeks now, once or twice daily, and have really seen a difference in my skin.
My skin tone looks much more even (less redness), my skin is clearing up and my face is incredibly soft; I feel like my makeup even looks better since using this!
I have always been a believer that if I wanted clear skin I needed a heavy-duty cleanser to accomplish that. However, this cleanser proved me so so wrong. I can't believe the difference I, and everyone else, can see in my skin; I'm not sure I'll ever go back to using harsh cleansers again!