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Loving Tan Deluxe Bronzing Mousse

"If you can't tone it, tan it!" -Mallory Ervin

As some of you know, I was in a wedding last summer and wanted to be a little more bronzed than usual seeing as I would be standing in front of almost 200 people and taking lots of pictures. So, I researched many, many, many different self tanners to see which would be best for what I wanted-- a natural, glowing tan. In the past, I have tried tanning beds (yikes) and ended up with blisters on my chest and being completely fried. Needless to say that was not an option after that experience. I have also gone the much safer route and used a Mystic Tan machine to get a 'flawless' spray tan. Yeah, I was a carrot after that experience. Since I did not want to be burnt, nor did I want to be orange on the day of the wedding, it seemed like self tanning was the way to go.

I have tried self tanners in the past and ended up very streaky and unnatural. So, I was already skeptical going into this self tanning routine. I ended up purchasing Loving Tan in Dark and actually am OBSESSED with the results!

I was truly amazed at how natural this tan looked-- especially on my very fair skin. It looked like I had just come back from a tropical vacation and got some sun. Though this tanning before and after picture may not look like a big deal to many, trust me it is! This is coming from the girl who has been tan twice in 21 years of life. I was finally tan!

How did I get such great results, you may ask? Well, I read all of the directions very carefully before I even opened the bottle of tanning mousse. I wanted to make sure I did not screw this up and ruin the wedding photos! I read every single tip Loving Tan had to offer, watched dozens of YouTube videos on applying Loving Tan and read countless reviews of the product online. After all of my research I felt prepared to take on the tan!

I first showered, exfoliated, shaved and then moisturized my wrists, knees, elbows, fingers, heels and toes. Then I took my Loving Tan applicator mitt and put one pump of mousse on it. I started with my legs and just rubbed the mousse all over. I did this on my entire body until every part of me was bronze. This tanner has a built in bronzer so you can see where you did and did not apply the tanner-- basically fool-proof! Then I waited a few minutes to get dressed in my baggiest of clothes and went right to bed.

When I woke up the tan looked a little intense but as soon as I rinsed myself off in the shower (I only used water; no soap!) the tan looked flawless!

The only thing I disliked about how the tan looked was that it still stuck to my toes, even though I moisturized them, and made them look like Cheetos. But, other than that, I loved it!

I would absolutely recommend this to anyone looking for that natural tan! I know $40 seems like a lot to spend on a fake tan but it really is a great bang for your buck! There is so much product in the bottle I am positive I will get at least five applications, if not more, out of it. That is basically what you'd pay for five 'professional' spray tans anyway!

So, if you're interested in trying Loving Tan you should definitely test it out! I was so surprised as to how much I liked my results and I absolutely see myself repurchasing it! :)

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