DIY Toner: Get Clear Skin With Two Simple Products
I always thought that toner was an extra, irrelevant step in a beauty routine; but, I discovered that I was seriously wrong. Once I added this DIY toner into my routine my skin was clearer, less oily and more radiant.
This DIY toner could not be easier. All I do is mix equal parts Apple Cider Vinegar (with the "mother") and Witch Hazel into a travel-sized MAC Fix+ bottle.

I discovered this combination on my own but took inspiration from my mom. She suggested that I use witch hazel as a treatment for my acne and I did a little research of my own and found that ACV is good for the skin as well. I originally tried them independently and the results were fine-- nothing too drastic in terms of how my skin looked. But, I then decided to try to mix the two and see if I could get better results; boy, did I!
Here's how I incoorporate it into my daily skincare routine:

Spritz Toner
Spritz Toner
This combination could not be simpler! I use this twice a day (as shown above) and my acne has been drying up and clearing up SO rapidly. I have also seen a difference in some scarring on my cheek from prior blemishes; it has cleared up (almost completely) within just a month of using this concoction.
I am shocked as to how much my skin has changed for the better. If you are like me, and have troubled skin, you need to try this duo!