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Anastasia Beverly Hills + Nicole Guerriero Glow Kit

Ah, yes, the infamous Nicole Guerriero Glow Kit. This baby has been with me for a few months now but I wanted to test it for a bit before giving you my final thoughts and review. But, before any real review, can we just talk about this packaging?! It's a beautiful shimmering pink with holographic lettering. I love that Nicole's name is bigger than Anastisa Beverly Hills' since it is her glow kit with them.

Okay, let's get down to business. This glow kit comes with six gorgeous shades (which is two more than the other glow kits): Kitty Kat, Forever Young, Daydream, Forever Lit, Glo Getter and 143.

Kitty Kat: Rose gold shimmering pink

Forever Young: Mauve gold shimmer

Daydream: Coral pink shimmer

Forever Lit: Icey blue shimmer

Glo Getter: Bronzey pink shimmer

143: Bronze gold shimmer

At first swatch, these are stunning! The colors work so well together and I appreciate that she took time to consider all skintones when creating this palette. However, when applied to the skin, these seem a little glittery-- which I am not a fan of. But, I think that glitter goes awat once you use these quite a bit; because once I started using these more and more it turned into a glow rather than a glitter on my face.

Like I said, I have used this palette a ton already (like, daily) and have found some great shade combinations:

Forever Young + Glo Getter + 143

Kitty Kat + Forever Lit

Daydream + Glo Getter

Forever Young + 143 + Forever Lit

Below you will find the shades swatched on my very fair skin. As you can see, all shades work well with my skin tone (at least I think so). I love that there are some with a pink undertone, some with a gold undertone, some with a bronze undertone and some (well, one) with a white undertone. I also love that these shades are so easy to mix and match.

Overall, I have to say that I am obsessed with this palette! I am so glad that the glitteriness went away after a few uses. However, I am sad to say that I think this is a limited edition palette. I cannot find it in stock anywhere online anymore. But, if you can find it, grab it! I think I paid $40 for this palette which, at the time, seemed like a lot; but, I think it is totally worth the price! You get six gorgeous shades and more if you want to create your own combinations like I do!

Do you have this palette? What do you think of it? Let me know!

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