Chatty Madie: Fighting Worry With Faith
While I may seem peppy and happy most of the time, I have been through some stuff-- but who hasn't?! I always get asked how I stay so positive and I think I finally have the right answer-- faith.
Don't let that word scare you away from this post. Yes, I am a Christian; but, I am not here to preach to you (you can DM me if you want to talk about faith in a religious point of view :) ). Here is what I am talking about when I say I fight worry with faith:
worry: (verb): to give way to anxiety or unease; allow one's mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles.
faith: (noun): complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
In what world does "giving way" mean anything less than succumbing to or giving into something? I know that when I "give way" I feel weak and defeated. I abhor that feeling. However, when I can be "confident" I feel unstoppable even in the darkest moments.

When I go through rough patches in life, yes, I freak out and have a moment
of worry. But, I have learned that if I sit down and redirect my faith and remember that everything happens for a reason, I am suddenly calm. Now, I am going to be honest, sometimes it takes days for the worry to come back and sometimes it takes seconds. But, when I focus on the good, the right-now, I am suddenly back to that peaceful place.
Does this always work? No. But, the majority of the time it does. As a constant worrier, this method of taking a breath, forgetting the "what-if's" and putting my faith out there, I am able to be okay again-- even if just for a second.
**I will have a post up in the near futu with further detail on how I learned to cope with my anxiety**