Up & Up Deep Cleaning Pore Strips
I've struggled with pesky blackheads on my nose for as long as I can remember. It seems like nothing I ever did could make them disappear. I have tried all sorts of masks and strips but my blackheads still stand.

I gave up on trying to clear them for an embarrassing amount of time. But, I wanted to try again so I went out and picked up these Up & Up Deep Cleaning Pore Strips (aka Target's knock-off of the Biore strips). They were only $6 so I figured I wasn't losing much if they sucked. But, they didn't-- for everyone except me.
I must have the grossest blackheads ever because they still would not budge after leaving these strips on for over 30 minutes. I had other people try them to see if it was just me they didn't work on; apparently it was!
These pore strips took away some shine on my nose and a bit of dirt but the blackheads did not budge! What the heck?! Someone, anyone, please help me out here! I wet my nose, I put the strip on, I let it sit for up to 30 minutes and I slowly peel it off-- what am I missing here?
If you can figure out what I am doing wrong oo r have a better brand for me try and get these suckers out of my nose please DM me!