August Sephora Play! Box
Meh; that's how I feel about this month's box. Yeah, I received products new to me but they're not the most exciting. Let's break it down into thumbs ups and thumbs down (plus first impressions).
----------------------------{Thumbs Down}---------------------------

BeautyBlender Micro.Mini: When I saw this I immediately sighed and said "oh" with an unfortunate look on my face. This tiny beautyblender is useless to me. My EcoTools sponge gets into the tiny places that this beautyblender is made for so I doubt I'll get much use out of it.
GlamGlow Volcasmic Matte Glow Moisturizer: There is a reason I love my GlamGlow Glowstarter Moisturizer-- it's because I like to glow! I have tried this moisturizer in the past and I was not a fan. This doesn't even make me matte like it claims to do. It kind of just makes my skin look lifeless and then it's oily later in the day. It's a no from me.

Too Faced Mascara Melt Off Cleansing Oil: Can this be a thubs to the side? I like the idea of this product. My makeup remover from Sephora usually takes off all of my mascara so it's not something I am freaking out over. But, I am interested to see what this would do if I replaced it with my Sephora one. I'll keep you posted via Instagram on that one!
------------------------------{Thumbs Up}----------------------------

mouth-full! I have never used a lash primer before so I am super excited to try this one! I naturally have long and dark lashes so I hope this really accentuates that. I also am hopeful that this mascara will hold up on it's own and not reuquire my usual layering. Maybe this will be good for natural and or no makeup days!

Kat Von D Saint & Sinner Perfume: Obsessed! I got this as a Sephora sample not too long ago and I love it! This duo is amazing-- one is fruity and floral and the other is fruity and musky which are my favorite combinations! Surprisingly, I think I like Saint better but I seriously adore both and am so happy I have more of these perfumes in my arsonal.

Alterna Haircare Caviar Anti-Aging Miracle Multiplying Volume Mist: I have a ton of hair. So, in the past, I've been scared of any hair product that says "volumizing." But, recently my hair has gotten a littel flat at the top and I've been looking for something to change that-- I have a feeling this is it! It is meant to be used on towel-dried hair so this will be perfect for me to put it before bed. It smells really yummy, almost like I just stepped out of the salon! I have high hopes for this volumizing product so I will keep you posted.
And there we have it, folks; the August Sephora Play! Box. While it has it's fair share of diappointments, it also has some really great stuff that I am looking forward to testing out! Stay tuned for updates via my Instagram stories. On there, I have started a little get ready with me segment called "Mornings With Madie" and love to share my opinions with you that way! I don't post on certain days but I always try to let you know 24 hours in advance if I will be doing a MWM the following morning. So, come join the morning fun and hear my thoughts on these products a little more in-depth.
DISCLAIMER: I am not tring to be a brat in this review. I am so grateful that I am able to put money aside for this makeup box every month. I am just giving my first impressions, as honest as they are, to hopefully benefit y'all and show you that not every beauty box will be a winner.