Five Hacks Every Blogger Needs To Know
I've been blogging for two years now and, while I am no expert, I think I have mastered at least five things when it comes to blogging. Lucky for you, those things help me to create better content. So, if you're a blogger, or someone who's curiosity is leading you to wonder how I've posted {almost} every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for the past two years, keep on reading!
Create a calendar : this is one of the best ways to keep track of your personal blogging goals and schedule. I find that when I pre-schedule posts on my blog, as my main method of scheduling, I am more likely to forget a post is supposed to go up; but, when I use a calendar, I can picture the month and better remember that I have a post going live.

Blog in advance : pre-writing blogs is amazing! I go through these bursts of energy and motivation for blogging. So, I take advantage of that feeling and crank out multiple posts at one time. Granted, I do not write the most elaborate posts so it doesn't take me too long. But, the ease of having posts already created is awesome when you want to post but you're in a rut. (It's okay, it happens to all bloggers)
Keep a notepad on you at all times : whether that is a physical notebook or just your notes app on your phone, having a designated space to place your ideas is ideal for when you're out and about. For example, I get a log of ideas when I am out running errands. I will be reaching for a bag of spinach and suddenly I have a brilliant blog post pop into my head! So, having somewhere to jot that down when I am away from my calendar is crucial.
Be open to new content : I always thought I would only post about beauty but I love to connect with more than just that one audience. Now, I write about recipes I've tried, books I am reading and even the workout plan I am currently into. It's important to be open to writing about whatever you want-- it is your blog after all. it is okay to try new posts and see what you like and what you don't.
Connect with other bloggers : this has been one of the most fun and special parts about blogging. I've been able to connect with readers and bloggers from all over the world-- seriously, it's crazy! Not only can you make new friends through your blog but you can gain inspiration and even collaborate with fellow bloggers. {search "Guest Post" and see the collaborations I have done with bloggers from around the world}
If you think you want to start a blog, do it. If you hate it, that's okay. But, you may just end up falling in love with it like I have.