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Blogmas Day 8: 'Loves' I Just Can't Purchase

Blogmas Day 8

I picked up this idea from Thataylaa and knew I had to replicate it for Blogmas! So, here are some of the products on my Sephora "Loves" List that I just can't bring myself yo buy:

Price: $129

Why I Haven't Purchased: Um, hello, the price tag-- I just can't justify it!

Price: $68

Why I Haven't Purchased: I have so many masks right now I really don't need another. But it's so pretty!!

Price: $54

Why I Haven't Purchased: This seems to be an oil for under your makeup and I don't like the way my skin looks when I do that. But it's still in my Love's because I want to try it anyway!

Price: $79

Why I Haven't Purchased: I've heard this is amazing for pore minimizing but I just haven't gotten the guts to buy myself a $79 oil.

Price: $32

Why I Haven't Purchased: I really don't know...I just can't!

Price: $30

Why I Haven't Purchased: I feel like $30 is a lot for a concealer so I keep searching for others that are less expensive with just-as-good ratings. 

Price: $28

Why I Haven't Purchased: The concept is just so odd I can't bring myself to buy it.

Price: $34

Why I Haven't Purchased: I really want to pick this up I am just waiting until the drugstore powder I am using now runs out. 

Price: $21

Why I Haven't Purchased: I have put this in and out of my cart so many times it's obnoxious. I am hoping that I can find a drugstore dupe for this that I can buy instead. But, I have a feeling I'll cave and get this lipstick one of these days.

Price: $134

Why I Haven't Purchased: Holy price tag, Batman! No, no, no and no. I want to try this as a sample first before I ever even think about blowing almost $150 on a night serum.

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