Blogmas Day 15: Dear Younger Me
Blogmas Day 15
Dear Younger Me,

It is okay for people not to like you.
It is okay to feel lost.
It is okay to push negative people away.
It is okay to say no.
It is okay to be hurt by someone's words or actions.
It is okay to not be okay.
It is okay to let go.
It is okay to stick up for yourself.
It is okay to feel confident in your own skin.
It is okay to be happy.
It is okay.
You are okay.
You're going to wake up when you're older and realize that all the worry and heartache you put yourself through was for not for nothing. All of those events and people that made you feel not okay have made you stronger beyond what you could ever imagine. You are a force to be reckoned with because of it.
Younger Me, it's all going to be okay.
**Make sure to keep your eyes peeled for more Blogmas posts (daily from 12/1-12/25)**
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Also, how cute is this picture of me with my Nana and Popi :) Tomorrow is their 56th wedding anniversary-- how sweet is that?!