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Blogmas Day 19: Books I Am Dying To Read

Blogmas Day 19

I apologize for the mini hiatus from Blogmas...if you follow me on Instagram then you'll know that my computer died this weekend (RIP). So, I had to order a keypad for my iPad in the meantime so I can blog again. Anyway, I am back, crisis averted! Let's get back to Blogmas!

I love to read, via the OverDrive app, on the train during my commute. I have a list of books a mile long that I so desperately want to read. Lucky for you, I did not list all of them here. I am more than happy to share more books I am longing after on Instagram; for now, here are five that I am dying to read!

As a Women's Studies minor in college, this was an obvious choice for me. As I was looking around Barnes and Noble, I stumbled upon this book and immediately knew I needed to read it! I actually got the book from the library but it was much bigger than I remembered. So, I decided to return it and check out the e-book version to easily read it on my commute. 

A Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood

I am actually reading this now and so far so good. I am a little confused as to what time period this is supposed to be in, however. But, I am going to keep reading and hopefully find out the answer to that question along the way.

The Universe Has Your Back by Gabrielle Bernstein

My aunt told me about this book and ever since I have been wanting to read it! I am a one-book-at-a-time kind of girl so this will have to wait but it is high on my list of must-reads!

10% Happier by Dan Harris If you haven't caught on yet, I love self-help books. This one caught my attention just based on the title alone. I love short and sweet titles that pack a punch; and, who doesn't want to know how to be happier?!

Love Warrior by Glennon Doyle Melton

I listened to a podcast the other day and heard Glennon talk about her book and real-life struggles that it is based on. The way that she was speaking made me feel like she was in my living room and I had known her for years. That is the kind of author I want to read. 

**Make sure to keep your eyes peeled for more Blogmas posts (daily from 12/1-12/25)**

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