The Best {And Easiest} Makeup Tips For Beginners
I wish I had a how-to guide on makeup when I was growing up. Unlike today's kids, I didn't have YouTube or online articles to turn to. My tricks came from 'What Not To Wear' and Seventeen Magazine (yes, the 'old-school' paper version). But, I am thankful for learning that way because it gave me opportunity to fail and learn from what I did and did not like makeup-wise.
Below I have listed my top five tips for new makeup users and even just a refresher for those who are already in love with the makeup world. Enjoy!

Tight-lining is key
This will seem scary at first but, trust me, you will love it soon enough! Here's what you do: lift up your lid so that the upper water line is exposed then take your pencil liner and lightly press the liner in that waterline. It's that easy! This hack will make your eyes really pop and make anything you put on your lid stand out more.
Coat the front and back of lashes
I learned this many many years ago, before I even wore mascara, and I share this hack with everyone I do makeup on. If you coat both the back and front of your lashes, they will appear thicker, darker and more voluminous.
Use a damp sponge to blend foundation and other liquid products
This approach, as opposed to a brush, will make your skin look more luminous and natural. I do this everyday and feel that it makes my makeup look less cakey and in return allows my skin to breathe a bit more than if I used a dense brush.
Find multi-purpose products
My favorite example of a multi-purpose product is bronzer. I love to use my bronzer on my cheeks to give myself a warm glow but also in the crease of my eyelid to give it a bit more dimension; it also makes me appear more awake and put together which is perfect for those early morning meetings.
Experiment with your makeup
This is the best tip I can give: try new things! It may seem silly but who knows what you'll fall in love with if you don't try it? For example, years ago, when I was first getting into makeup, I bought a bright purple lippie. I thought it was so cool but didn't think I would ever be able to pull it off. But, to this day when I wear it, I literally get stopped in my tracks and am asked what lipstick I am wearing. It's now one of my favorite lip products-- I don't think I'll ever get rid of it!
What are your favorite tips for beginners? Share them here!