My New Skincare Routine
Happy first day of spring, everyone! There's nothing like a new season to put products to the test. Every season I find my skin changing-- dry, oily, acne-prone, glowing, sun

damaged, etc. So, what a better time than now to mix up my skincare routine?!
I recently picked up two skincare sets from Origins: the Super Stars set and the Skin Starters set. I really wanted to try several types of products so this was the perfect option for me!
I have really been mixing and matching these products in terms of when I use them and how I use them. But, I have gotten into a routine now that I think is working well for my skin!

In the morning I use the Checks and Balances Frothy Face Wash (Super Stars set) to wash my skin after my workout. I bring this from my face to my neck, check and shoulders. I then use my GinZing Energy-Boosting Moisturizer (Skin Starters set) on damp skin to moisturize. I love this moisturizer under makeup and the orange scent really helps to wake me up in the morning.

At night I use the Frothy Face Wash (Super Stars set) to cleanse then move into the Modern Friction Nature’s Gentle Dermabrasion (Skin Starters set) to smooth out my skin. I only do this step once or twice a week so I don't rough-up my skin too much. Then, I move into my Vitamin E oil and add the High-Potency Night-A-Mins (Super Stars set) to finish off the night routine.
Yes, I did leave out the toner and the mask, good catch! I normally try to keep the use of the United State Balancing Tonic (Skin Starters set) and Clear Improvement Active Charcoal Mask (Super Stars set) down to a few times a week so that I do not strip my face of any more moisture than necessary.
My skin has seemed to even out, clear up and hold moisture than before I started using this kit! I wish I took before and after pictures because I really see the difference that much.
Have you tried these products? What did you think? Do you have other Origin skincare you would recommend? Let me know!