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Meet My New Baby!

Oh come on, people; you didn't actually think it was a real baby did you?! No, no I am talking about my new techno baby: my MacBook Air!

I am sure you have noticed that my content has been slowly appearing lately, as opposed to my Tues/Thurs/Sat schedule, and I am so sorry for that. I was computer-less for about a year and could not afford to replace it with something that would last. But, after saving up, I was able to proudly purchase my Mac!

Along with my laptop, I also purchased a case and sleeve to keep it safe while traveling (and to tell my laptop from Casey's). 

I am so excited to use this laptop for my blogging! Finally, to have my own computer again to blog with and enjoy some me-time on. 

Now, this is a new baby— I've only had her for a week. But, I am already obsessed! Here are some of my favorite features:


-Bright 13" Screen



-Holds a Charge

I had an Asus before which was great! Unfortunately, after about 4.5 years, it was starting to give out on me. But, I will link it here if you are looking for something a little less expensive than a Mac that will also get the job done and last a good amount of time. 

It is my goal to get back to my three-times-a-week posting schedule for y'all (and for myself) now that I can blog from home again. With that said, what sorts of posts would you like to see more of? It's brainstorming time so shoot me over a suggestion or seven if you are so inclined! 

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