Do You Want to Start a Book Club?!

So, here's the deal, people. I want to read more. I worked at a library in college and was constantly reading both inside and outside of work. But, when I graduated, I convinced myself that I just didn't have time to read a book but I did have time to watch Netflix. Now, I'm not giving up my Netflix time (like that would ever happen) but I do want to incorporate more reading time in my days. So, I was club!
This is just an idea so things can be tweaked but here is what I think would happen if we got enough people involved (at least four people to start):
Each month, I will run a poll to vote on a book. These books will come from your suggestions and other books I may spot floating around the internet
I will create an invitation-only Instagram group so we can all discuss where we are in the book and what we think of it
Once we have finished the book, I think a month is a fair time frame for us, I will write a review on my blog with my opinions and then include some of your opinions as well (I can keep those opinions anonymous if you wish).
So, what do you think? Are you in? Send me a message here and I can start adding people to the group and looking up books for us to dive into!