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Blogmas Day 1: What is Blogmas + GIVEAWAY!

Happy December and Happy Blogmas! If you're unfamiliar with Blogmas, not to worry, I am here to explain.

Blogmas is a huge deal in the blogging community. It takes a lot on my part but is such a fun way to interact with readers. Blogmas is where I post a blog every single day of December leading up to Christmas (some go longer but I prefer to end after 25 days). Blogmas, for me, is full of new content, ideas, product reviews, recipes and writing styles. And, this year I have a special treat-- a giveaway!

Yes, you read that correctly! At the end of Blogmas there will be a giveaway winner announced!

For your best chance at winning the giveaway, you'll want to use these hashtags on every Blogmas post of mine you see on social media:

I have a website counting each time you post those hashtags so everyone gets a fair chance. I would also encourage you to sign up for my newsletter which gives you premier access to every blogpost I write, including new additional content!

You can also DM me to enter if you do not have any social media platforms.

Now, Madie, what exactly is in this giveaway and why do I want to win? Great question! I am putting together some of my favorite goodies as well as products I know whoever wins will enjoy! I will slowly reveal giveaway items as Blogmas goes on over at my Instagram page so make sure you're following me there!

So, there you have it! Answers to what is Blogmas and what is this giveaway all about. I hope you're as excited as I am for this month and cannot wait to share all that I have in store with you!

Happy Blogmas, y'all!

*giveaway starts Dec. 1 at 9:30am CST and end Dec. 24 at 11:59pm CST*

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