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Blogmas Day 10: What's In My Fridge?

This may sound odd to some but I love grocery shopping! Grocery shopping is my me-time every weekend and I adore it. While I have been trying to stick to groceries specific for recipes, I do have a few staples I pick up almost every time I grocery shop.

Goat Cheese - I cannot live without goat cheese. Even though I am lactose intolerant, goat's milk seems to do well in my system. So, I take full advantage and stock up weekly! My favorites are the honey goat cheese and the classic, plain goat cheese.

Eggs - Casey goes through so many eggs in a week it's on my list out of pure necessity. I don't tolerate eggs well on their own but I do like to have them on hand if I get an urge to bake or need it for any other recipes.

Salt & Vinegar Chips - These things are like a drug to me. I am obsessed with these chips! The Cape Cod and the Kettle Chip brands are my favorite for these as they have a nice crunch and hold the seasoning well. Yeah, I'm a chip snob, I know.

Spinach - I use so much spinach it's absurd. I put it in smoothies, breakfasts, sandwiches, and even add it to recipes that don't call for it just to give myself a healthy dose of greens. I only buy organic baby spinach as they don't contain pesticides. They're more expensive but I'll pay the extra few dollars to know it's a 'clean' product.

While these are some of my favorites, I thought I would also share what I bought this week and what recipes I plan on using them for!

What I Bought:



Canned Tuna

Hash Browns

Red Potatoes


Flank Steak

Red Onion

Nadamoo Ice Cream




Sparkling Water



Brussel Sprouts

Chicken Breast


It's all about balance, people; eat your healthy dinner and treat yo'self to a scoop of ice cream!


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