Blogmas Day 9: Our New Place - A Series!

I have no idea what I will call this series yet, ideas are welcome, but I really want to share my new place with ya'll! I want to share everything from where we got our furniture, how we organized the place, ideas I have to make this apartment a home and more!
My thought is to go room by room and share what's there and what I'm thinking, and get your opinions on, we should do next to put more of us into the place.
For context, we are now Chicago residents! My boyfriend, of almost six years, and I live in a great area full of young people, like us. We both work in the city, and Casey goes to law school here too, so this is perfect for us right now. Our place is a one-bedroom, one-bath and we have about 600 square feet to work with.
I love cooking and baking so making the kitchen fun and comfortable is a big deal. We also love hosting so we want the living room to feel like home for those who visit.
I hope you like this series and enjoy taking a peek inside of our lives! Please feel free to share what ideas you have to make our place cozy, fun and functional.
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