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It's Our Anniversary!

Casey and I met in 2013 during our Senior year of high school. My friend and I decided not to go out to Portillo’s for the third time that week so we needed to find a lunch table to sit at. It just so happens that we chose the table Casey was sitting at.

He and I had no idea who the other was. I thought he was younger than me because I had not seen him before. He thought I was in all of the accelerated classes (HA!) because he had not seen me either. But, we started chatting and we got along really well! I even invited him over to decorate cupcakes I was making for our lunch table—yeah, we pretty much stopped going out to lunch once I met Casey.

He came over and I distinctly remember wearing a full-on groutfit aka an all gray outfit. Not only was it all gray, but I was in baggy sweats, a baggy ripped up sweatshirt, had no makeup on and had soaking wet hair. My mom even commented, “isn’t a boy coming over?” I responded with, “it’s not like that, Mom, we are just friends.”

When Casey got to the door, he told me I looked nice (yes, I was still in my groutfit). That’s when I knew we would be more than friends.

We started dating Senior year even though we were going to different colleges, he Western Illinois and me Southern Illinois. We decided to try to make long distance work; and we did.

To my surprise, I hated SIU and soon transferred home to community college after just one semester. I didn’t know where I wanted to go from there but I knew I didn’t want to stay local. It was around the same time that I went to visit Casey at WIU and I quickly fell in love with the campus (even though I was totally in denial for a while as I didn’t want to be that girl who followed her boyfriend to college). But, I set that aside and off to WIU I went with Casey.

We thought our days of long distance were over. But, Casey found out he was graduating a semester early. I was so incredibly proud of him while at the same time deeply saddened by the thought of doing long distance again. However, just like the last time, we made it work.

Once we were both home and graduated from college, we lived with his dad (which was so kind of him to let us both stay there!). I had an internship and Casey got accepted into law school so we knew we needed to live there for a while and save some money. So, we did that for a year and a half then decided it was time to move to the city.

And here we are! Six years later we are living together in the City of Chicago happy as can be living our lives together. I love you, Case :)

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