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The Easiest At Home 'Latte'

I have been drinking coffee for ever. At this point, it's less about the caffeine for me and more about the tase. My body wants to taste coffee in the morning. More specifically, my body wants a sugary $8 latte from the coffee shop down the street. But, your girl can't afford that lifestyle so I've come up with my own version of an $8 latte that takes all of 5 minutes to make.

Here's what I use:

Keurig K Cup (or any other coffee of your choosing)

1 packet (or scoop) of Collagen Peptides

For this 'recipe' you're going to brew your coffee per usual. For me, I like to add my peptides to my coffee mug then brew the coffee on top of that so it can better dissolve. Then, while that's going, I like to add the liquid creamer into my blender. Once the coffee is ready, I add it to the creamer in the blender and blend it for about 10 seconds. Finally, I pour the coffee mixture back into my cup.

Now, blending is key here because it will create a foam which will settle at the top of your mug. See, just like a latte!

This could not be any easier! And, you can add whatever you normally like in your $8 drinks too. For example, I like cinnamon lattes so I can put a sprinkle of cinnamon in there before I blend. Or, for those almond milk latte lovers out there, swap out the creamer for your almond milk. Blending the coffee takes literally 10 seconds but totally changes the look, feel and taste of the coffee.

What's your favorite way to drink coffee at home? Black? A splash of cream? Espresso? Let me know!

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