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Chatty Madie: Health Update

Someone recently told me that people appreciate realness in today's world of social media. When she said it, it totally made sense! When I scroll through Instagram and Twitter and Facebook I love to read about people's journeys much more than I care about where they buy their shoes or even their makeup. It's something about being able to connect. So, let's connect.

As you may or may not know, I was misdiagnosed about five years ago with Endometriosis. I know know that it is actually Adenomyosis. You can read more about that here.

Below is a helpful photo describing and showing the difference between Endo and Adeno. As I am still researching it myself, this was a very helpful diagram.

Once I was diagnosed, my doctor and I devised a game plan for my treatment. As my past doctors had been trying to treat the Endo, nothing worked for me. I still had debilitating cramps, crippling anxiety, embarrassing hormonal acne, extremely heavy bleeding and the list just keeps on going. So, since being diagnosed with Adeno, we have taken new steps to find what will work for what I actually have.

While it's not perfect, the new treatment has made a difference. Well, at least it did at first. As of right now, today, in this moment, I feel crappy. I am getting moody at a flip of a switch, my anxiety is keeping me from sleeping through the night, I'm having ovary pain so badly I need to stop what I'm doing and just breathe, and something is happening that never has before-- my hair is falling out. So much so that I went to a dermatologist to figure out why. Unfortunately, I left with no answer other than 'go get bloodwork done and come back.' Thanks, so helpful *eye roll*.

Instead, I am talking to my doctor and seeing what can be done about tweaking the hormones that I am ingesting every day for three months straight. Aka, let's try yet another pill.

I also have a doctor's appointment with a hormone specialist who, not so conveniently, doesn't take health insurance. I should mention that I made this appointment a year ago. That is how good this guy is.

While it will be expensive for me to see him, I really am out of options. I feel out of control of my own body some days. That's terrifying. So, I'm making the decision to sacrifice financially so I don't have to sacrifice physically.

I'll keep you posted on my journey. I just wanted to share as I completely believe in transparency; especially here on my blog with all of you. This is a safe space. Thank you for allowing me to share openly without judgement. Ya'll are the best!

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