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Girl's Guide to Finals Week

Finals suck. Follow these steps and make them suck just a little bit less.

Step 1: get plenty of sleep

Step 2: prepare necessary study materials in advance {aka make a study guide 2-3 weeks prior to the exam rather than 2-3 hours prior}

Step 3: don't cram! attempt to study as much as you can before "dead week" so you don't tire your brain out.

Step 4: figure out when your brain works the best {I oddly function best early in the morning}

Step 5: stay hydrated and fed {keep your body happy and your brain-- and your final grade-- will thank you}

Step 6: exercise to reduce stress {again, keep your body happy}

Step 7: ask for help {join a study group, go into office hours or ask a friend if you're confused on a concept. it's better to swallow your pride now than to miss a question on the exam because you were too chicken to ask for help}

Step 8: breathe and know that once the exam is over it is out of your control

Step 9: cry if you need to; or look at this cute puppy and smile instead. then, get back to work!

Now, go kick some final exam butt!

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