The Doctor Will See You Now
As the cover of the book states, there are millions of women suffering every day with the pain that Endometriosis causes. I am one of those women. I plan on making a dedicated YouTube video on my struggle with Endo in March so, for now, let's just focus on why I love this books so much.

First of all, this book is not written by some quack doctor running a sketchy medical practice out of his van (do you think I watch too much Law and Order: SVU?). Dr. Seckin is world-renowned and has been practicing (gynecological) medicine for over 30 years.
One of the reasons why I loved this book was the genuine personality that comes across from Dr. Seckin. Something I've grown accustomed to as a patient is feeling like I am sort of just part of the doctor's day and am treated like any other patient. But, just from reading this book I can tell that Dr. Seckin takes time to really get to know the women that come into his practice and treats them as individuals-- not just another patient.
Another thing I love about this book is how much he teaches you about Endometriosis. I was diagnosed about four years ago and had never had any sort of in-depth information told to me about my case or what Endometriosis even is. This book made me even more curious and aware because of the way he teaches you. It doesn't feel like he is talking at you but with you. The fact that I got that feeling just by reading the book says a lot.
Not only did Dr. Seckin start his own practice where he specializes in the treatment of Endo but he started a foundation to raise money and awareness about the disease in hopes of finding a cure and helping more women. He started this foundation, the Endometriosis Foundation of America, with one of his celebrity clients, Padma Lakshmi, who you may know as the host from the show, Top Chef.
Although he does have celebrity patients, you do not have to be one in order to have Dr. Seckin review your case. In fact, anyone can send him their information and he will look over the case for you and contact you once he has a sense of what your case looks like. Like I said, you can do this anywhere at any time and he, or someone on his team, will get back to you about options. This means that people, like me, who cannot afford to go see him in New York can speak with him in the comfort of their home. Now, this is not an immediate response sort of a thing but I think it's worth the wait!
I could go on and on about how much I love this book and how it has changed my views of Endometriosis. If you would like to read more about Dr. Seckin just click here and, if you're interested, you can order his book here. ​Also, if you want to talk to me more about my journey, or yours, with Endometriosis, please feel free to shoot me an email; I'd love to chat with you!
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