Blogmas Day 22: Let's Talk Hormones
I recently went to a hormone specialist (it took me an entire year to get in with this doctor) and read a great book called "Period Repair Manual" by Lara Braiden to try and decode my hormone issues; by that I mean my Adenomyosis and the laundry list of symptoms I have related to the condition.

I read Lara's book before I saw the doctor and I'm amazed at how many similarities there were. For example, she mentions the affect Celiacs and hypothyroidism can plan on hormones. She states that hormones may not, and is probably not, the cause for my symptoms. Additionally, her treatment methods were similar to what the hormone doctor told me. It was pretty incredible how spot-on the author was clearly without even knowing my case.
My hormone doctor visit was a long one; I was there for almost three hours. We talked about my symptoms and he had me take a few 'quizzes' that indicated what I was feeling and why I could be feeling them. One of those 'quizzes' was to determine if I had an issue with my thyroid, either hypo- or hyperthyroidism. Under each condition, there was a long list of common symptoms and, as the book I read predicted, my symptoms lined up with hypothyroidism.
I have had my blood drawn but do not have results yet. I have a feeling the hypothyroidism will be legit as it runs in my family. He also put in a request for my vitamin D levels to be tested, as well as tests for Celiac as apparently gut imbalances can affect your hormones.
On of the most interesting pieces of information the doctor brought up was that he does not think that my period issues come from my hormones at all. Instead, he thinks there are underlying issues and that my hormones are just the 'victims.'
It's amazing what can happen when you find a good doctor. I have been told for years that it's my hormones that are giving me trouble so they've been changing my birth control at least yearly since I was 14. The doctor asked me if any of these symptoms happened before I even started menstruating. I told him no, and I don't remember any other symptom besides cramping and heavy bleeding before I went on the pill so many years ago.
He said that it would make sense since I have Adeno that once I got my period, that came forth. However, the other symptoms didn't start until I introduced brith control into my system. I was always told that it was just PMS and it's normal; but, now I am second guessing that.
While I am still waiting on blood results, I have decided to stay off of my pill for a few months. I am excited to see where this time without synthetic hormones takes me and my body. I am hoping for less anxiety, less acne, and the ability to feel what my natural cycle is like for the first time in almost 10 years.
Have you struggled with your hormones? What have you done to get help and or treat it? Let me know!